Reps. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.) and Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich.) made a dramatic exit in the middle of President Donald Trump’s State of the Union address on Tuesday.
“I walked out of that speech. The lies, the bigotry, and the shameless bragging about taking away food stamps that people depend on to live — it was all beneath the dignity of the office he occupies. Shame on this forever impeached president,” Tlaib tweeted on Tuesday night.
Tlaib later told MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow that the mention of Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh was the “trigger” that pushed her to leave the House chamber.
“I couldn’t stand still and not do anything about it, and I needed to walk away from that,” Tlaib claimed. “[W]e’re tired of the hate rhetoric. We’re tired of divisiveness in our country.”
On Wednesday’s radio program, Glenn Beck, who watched President Trump’s third State of the Union address from inside the chamber, said he’d be surprised if either Tlaib or Omar heard a single word of the speech.
“Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar, they were sitting in the back. They were laughing. They were giggling,” Glenn said. “They weren’t paying any attention. And no one was paying any attention to them.”
In this clip, Glenn exposed what was really going on inside the chamber during President Trump’s State of the Union address, and likened Tlaib and Omar’s behavior to “those girls” in high school — you know, the ones that think they’re too cool for school, and assemblies, and everything else?
*story by The Blaze