University dean resigns over school’s Chik-fil-A ban

Applause for Cynthia Newman who took a stand for Christian values. Read more:

-Snip- Cynthia Newman, dean of the College of Business Administration, informed staff in February that she was stepping down from her post — but will continue as a professor — because she feels the university’s statements regarding the fast-food chain clashed with her values as a Christian.


At the time, the school explained, “Chick-fil-A was removed as one of the options based on the company’s record widely perceived to be in opposition to the LGBTQ+ community.”

The school added that Chik-fil-A’s values “have not sufficiently progressed enough to align with those of Rider.”

“I felt like I had been punched in the stomach when I read that statement because I’m a very committed Christian,” Newman told the conservative higher education blog Campus Reform. “Chick-fil-A’s corporate purpose statement is to glorify God, to be faithful stewards of all that’s entrusted to them and have a positive influence on everyone who comes into contact with them. And I would say that mirrors my personal beliefs perfectly.”
