A law to protect men from being “seduced” into raping women has been proposed in the Malaysian parliament.
Mohamad Imran Abd Hamid, an MP with the ruling People’s Justice Party, told his fellow politicians that men commit sex crimes because they are “seduced” by women’s actions and clothing.
“I propose a Sexual Harassment Act to protect men,” he told the Dewan Negara, the Southeast Asian country’s upper house, online news portal Malaysiakini reported. “From the actions, words and clothing of women, which can cause men to be seduced to the point they can commit acts such as incest, rape, molestation, [watching] pornography and likewise.
He added: “This is important, [men] need to be protected. The actions, clothing of women can seduce us into breaking the law and causing us to be charged.”
“I ask that the minister consider this so that the men in this country are safe, and the country is peaceful”.
*story by The Independent