Jerry Wayne teamed up with the National Rifle Association (NRA) to challenge former Vice President Joe Biden after a video of their meeting in Michigan went viral.
Wayne, a union auto worker, asked Biden last Tuesday about his gun control plan — and Biden responded by telling Wayne that he was “full of s**t,” claimed that he only meant to take “machine guns” like the “AR-14s” and threatened to “take him outside.”
On Friday, the NRA released a new video featuring Wayne firing a custom “AR-14” with Biden’s profile and the words “full of s**t” on the magazine well along with Wayne’s personal message for Biden and anyone else who was thinking about coming for the “AR-14s.”
“Americans should be able to ask candidates seeking the highest office what’s going to happen to their rights as they vote them into office. Joe Biden can call me all the names he wants,” Wayne said, explaining that Biden’s apparent plan to put former Democratic Texas Rep. Beto O’Rourke on gun policy should have Americans concerned.
“I am sick and tired of having to defend the fact that we need guns to defend our homes and hunt wildlife,” Wayne continued. “I don’t need an excuse to have 100 rounds. I’ve got the Constitution of the United States … I think Biden made a huge miscalculation when he threatened to strip us Americans of our gun rights.”
“You will never — I mean never — touch our guns,” Wayne concluded.
*See full story by Daily Caller