Missouri attorney Mark McCloskey, who along with his wife Patricia brandished legally-owned firearms when confronted by Black Lives Matter protesters at their St. Louis home last month, told “Tucker Carlson Tonight” Monday that “the rumor is that we are going to be indicted shortly” over the incident.
Last week, authorities executed a search warrant at the McCloskeys’ home in connection with the June 28 incident. Mark McCloskey told host Tucker Carlson that the officers were “almost apologetic” when they served the warrant.
“They didn’t want to have to be there. They were doing their job. Patty wanted to take a picture to document it and she asked if they wouldn’t mind facing away from the camera so that people wouldn’t get mad at them if their faces were shown on TV,” he said. “They all did so.
“They, unfortunately, are stuck between a circuit attorney [Kim Gardner] that wants to prosecute us, and their own belief that we did nothing wrong.”

In the June incident, the McCloskeys said they were startled shortly before dinnertime when “300 to 500 people” entered the gated community where they live.
“I didn’t shoot anybody,” Mark McCloskey said. “I just held my ground, protecting my house, and I’m sitting here on television tonight instead of dead or putting out the smoldering embers of my home.”
“If you just retreated into your house, it probably would be burned to the ground, as you just said,” Carlson told McCloskey. “But is that how society should function? I mean, shouldn’t someone in authority in the State of Missouri be coming to your aid right about now?”
Carlson has previously criticized of Missouri Republican Gov. Mike Parson for largely sitting on the sidelines while the McCloskeys have been investigated by authorities.
“The way I view it is, when you have certain elements of society encouraging violence, [and] at the same time asking the police to stand down, what’s the only possible result?” McCloskey responded. “The only possible solution is for individual citizens to stand up to defend themselves, and I’m afraid what’s being promoted is causing citizens to stand up and defend themselves so they can be chilled and abused the way we have been.”
McCloskey also criticized the media coverage of his ordeal.
“The traditional media is right behind the mob — I mean, we’re not allowed to use that word anymore — a loud crowd of angry people and they are supporting these entities which are, from my understanding, Marxist and oppose everything that I stand for and I hold dear and near,” he said, before adding, “We’ve gotten tremendous support from ordinary people … We’ve gotten calls from all over the world, I got a nice letter from a lady in Ireland congratulating us for taking a stand against the violence, and so I think the vast majority of Americans wish they could do something.
*story by Fox News