It wasn’t too long ago that Americans generally existed with a live-and-let-live mentality when it came to sociopolitical matters. You know — if one person didn’t agree with another person’s political candidate of choice, there might have been a heated discussion or two on rare occasions, but things for the most part didn’t escalate from there.
But now we’re in the year 2020, and it’s a different America. With the general election just weeks away, more and more leftists have decided that free expression and healthy debate no longer are sufficient. In their place are cancel culture, threats, harassment, property destruction, vandalism, and violence.
Such was the case once again Saturday night — this time in Las Vegas.
What happened?
Supporters of President Donald Trump lined up on a street for a road rally — and just like clockwork, Trump-haters were out in force and determined to make them pay for daring to exercise their First Amendment rights.
“F*** Trump!” was the standard cry, along with a forest of raised middle fingers.
But of course, that wasn’t enough.
One leftist — apparently a female — decided that one pickup truck needed to suffer some damage for its occupants’ crimes and was caught on cellphone video attacking the passenger-side door and window.
The Trump-hater continued hollering at the truck’s occupants while backing away when a rather large, powerful man — presumably deciding that enough was enough — rushed toward the culprit and lowered the boom.
The force of the man’s shove was so hard and fast that the individual flew backward in midair, culminating in a reverse somersault on the street.
With that, the Trump-hating onlookers let out a spontaneous “ooh!” as if they’d just witnessed an NFL tackle up close.
Anything else?
Apparently the harshly dispatched Trump-hater wasn’t through for the night.
Among the clips of the rally posted to Twitter by Kitty Shackleford is one that seems to show the same Trump-hater going after another truck farther up the street.
But when a man emerges and moves her backward, a crew of at six fellow leftists head over to the action and beat him to the street.
*story by The Blaze