BlazeTV’s Elijah Schaffer takes shelter after being told rioters wanted to ‘assassinate’ him; protest violence erupts around the US

Protests on election night veered dangerously toward violence in several cities across America as the results rolled in towards the 2020 presidential decision.

Social media showed scuffles breaking out in places like Los Angeles, Seattle, and Washington, D.C.

Washington D.C.

Elijah Schaffer of BlazeTV documented the protests breaking out in Washington, D.C. where thousands were protesting mostly against President Donald Trump.

Schaffer documented what appeared to be Antifa members accosting members of the press, including Schaffer.

Schaffer was also forced to evacuate and seek a safe position after hearing from a liberal journalist that Antifa members were seeking to do him harm.

Schaffer indicated in a second tweet that he was making use of security provided by The Blaze.

Protesters apparently lit an American flag on fire just blocks away from the White House.

In another tense scene caught on social media, a protester confronts a man carrying an American flag and demands that he put it away.


Nine protesters were arrested by police in Seattle during a protest that included hundreds of people. They charged with assault on an officer and other charges related to destruction of property. Protesters said that they would continue to protest regardless of the results of the presidential election.

Los Angeles

Protests in Los Angeles also appeared to be headed towards violence when the police department took action and issued a dispersal order after declaring the protest an unlawful assembly.

The LAPD detained some individuals who were wearing kneepads or helmets, but they did not indicate if any had been arrested.

Protesters ostensibly against police brutality also used U-Haul trucks in order to block traffic in major streets in San Jose, California.

*story by The Blaze