The Democratic mayor of Portland, Oregon — the city laid to waste by left-wing rioters this year — warned residents this week that “white supremacist” violence and “divisive rhetoric” from Washington, D.C., could lead to a dangerous situation following Tuesday’s election.
“Local law enforcement has been working for several weeks to ensure we have adequate resources available to keep our community safe on and after Nov. 3. We’ve cancelled days off, put staff on call and coordinated across all city bureaus to prepare for a wide range of scenarios,” Wheeler tweeted Monday.
“Given the heightened concerns about potential violence, particularly from white supremist [sic] organizations and the divisive rhetoric from Washington, D.C., the need for coordination and partnership takes on statewide significance. Oregon is likely to be a flashpoint,” he added.
It’s fair enough that Wheeler considers the city and the state of Oregon, in general, to be a “flashpoint” for any political violence that may occur following the election. After all, as was widely reported, the city was ravaged by riots for much of this year.
The demonstrations, which went on for more than 100 consecutive nights and only ended after raging wildfires sparked in the region, resulted in over 1,000 arrests in the city and an incredible amount of property damage.
However, his decision to sidestep mentioning left-wing contributors to the violence such as Antifa and Black Lives Matter as potential threats along with white supremacists is questionable, to say the least.
He’s getting panned
Fittingly, Wheeler’s warning was met with swift backlash from conservative commentators.
Portland-based reporter Andy Ngo wrote: “Who was responsible for the march of destruction on MLK Blvd on Saturday night? That group then went over to Vancouver, Wash. to do the same to businesses there. They chanted, ‘Black lives matter.'”
“You absolute clown. White supremacists aren’t burning down the cities. Resign,” Ian Miles Cheong said on Twitter.
Another wrote: “How absolutely disconnected from reality does one need to be to believe that ‘white nationalists’ are responsible for any of the riots in Portland? Or that the ‘decisive rhetoric’ is coming out of the mouths of anyone but Democrats? Truly incredible levels of derangement here.”
According to the Washington Times, Candace Owens told Fox News host Tucker Carlson that some of the businesses boarding up their stores in anticipation of violence have posted signs supporting Black Lives Matter. This, she said, is proof that they believe property-damaging protesters will come from the left.
“Now why would a business owner feel the need to spray paint on their own business boarded up, ‘We support Black Lives Matter?’ Because they’re hoping that they send that message,” Owens said. “They know exactly who’s going to attack them. They know it’s not Trump supporters. They know it’s the left. It’s the radical left.”
*story by The Blaze