Laura Ingraham: Biden administration set to engineer ‘great American sellout’ of working, middle class

President-elect Joe Biden touts his humble upbringing in Scranton, Pa., but his political platform constitutes a “sellout” of America’s working class, Laura Ingraham argued Friday.

“During the long, COVID-interrupted campaign of 2020, Americans heard a lot about this guy, Joe from Scranton,” said “The Ingraham Angle” host, who played several clips of Biden boasting about his background:

“[Donald Trump] sees the world from Park Avenue, I see it from Scranton,” he said in one campaign speech.

“Sadly, millions of voters took him at his word,” Ingraham said, “because they didn’t know about his nearly five decades pushing all these policies that are very pleasing to big business and bipartisan establishment figures.

“These are policies that ended up robbing hard-working Americans of their wealth and their opportunity.”

By contrast, Ingraham continued, Biden and his family became wealthy off the backs of those same American workers, helped by a distinct lack of scrutiny from the mainstream media.

“The worst thing about all of this is that for his entire career, especially during the past few years, he put on the big show, claiming to be the guy who cared so much about the little middle class.”

To the contrary, the host argued, Biden will reverse Trump’s “hard-won successes for the working class” — including stringent border security measures, decreased refugee and visa quotas and a hardline stance toward China.

“He’s going to halt deportations for 100 days upon taking office, and then, I guess, figure out how to avoid departing as many illegals as possible by narrowing the scope of any enforcement in the future,” Ingraham said. “Biden will also end the incredibly successful remain-in-Mexico policy [for asylum seekers]. He’s also going to rip up agreements from Guatemala, El Salvador, and Honduras to take in those rejected asylum seekers.”


Turning to foreign policy, Ingraham warned that Biden’s foreign policy would be “just as bad.”

“He has a national security team that is basically uninterested in the whole ‘national’ part of its duties … ” she said. “Basically, they are going to retake control of our foreign policy. Unless Trump actually pulls all of our troops out of Afghanistan by the end of the year, troops will be stuck there for four more years.”

*story by Fox News