FBI agents working the Nashville Christmas bombing are asking around about whether Anthony Quinn Warner — a local computer expert named as a “person of interest” — was paranoid about 5G technology, according to a report.
Agents are probing if Warner, 63, feared that 5G technology was being used to spy on Americans, a source close to the investigation told the NBC News affiliate in Nashville.
There have otherwise been no arrests or motive revealed in the bombing as of early Sunday.
In another wrinkle to the case, investigators are looking into Warner’s connection with a 29-year-old Los Angeles brunette named Michelle Swing.
Warner signed the deed to his $160,000 suburban Nashville home over to Swing for free last month, according to county property records found by The Post.
Swing cited the ongoing FBI investigation in declining to speak to The Post about the gift on Saturday, but she told The Daily Mail the transfer happened “without my knowledge.”
She declined to describe her relationship to Warner.
Later Saturday night, the Mail reported that property records show Warner had transferred yet another home to the mystery woman — again for no money.
That property was on the same street as the first, and was valued at $249,000, the Mail reported.
Warner’s possible fears of 5G technology was also confirmed by a Nashville real estate agent who told NBC he’d called the FBI Saturday after seeing the person of interest’s name in the news.

The real estate agent, Steve Fridrich, reached out to investigators after realizing he’s hired a “Tony Warner” to do IT work for him for the past several years — and as recently as this month.
The FBI agent he spoke to asked if Warner was paranoid about 5G technology, Fridrich told NBC. Fridrich said he told the agents that Warner never mentioned being afraid of 5G.
“Nice guy. You know, he was a techie guy — don’t mean anything negative about that” Fridrich told NBC.
“He would do this thing and leave. He didn’t bother anybody. He did his thing and left,” Fridrich said.
The last time Warner helped him with an Internet issue, earlier this month, he spoke of his fondness for camping, Fridrich told the network.
The white recreational vehicle that Warner kept in the yard of his suburban Nashville home bears a striking resemblance to the explosives-loaded RV that blew up Christmas morning outside the downtown AT&T building.
There was no sign Saturday of Warner or his RV as investigators spent Saturday searching his property; meanwhile, sources have told CNN and ABC News that investigators believe the explosion may have been the work of a suicide bomber.
Human remains recovered at the bomb site are still being DNA-tested.
Agents intend to swab Warner’s mother to determine if he was a match, Newsweek reported.
*story by New York Post