Nearly one month into Joe Biden’s presidency, Democrats are still fixated on former President Donald Trump, “Hannity” host Sean Hannity pointed out Thursday.
“The hysteria on the left is apparently never-ending,” he said. “Democrats are still obsessed with hating all things Donald Trump … President Trump seems to live in their sick brains 24/7, as they cannot give up their drug of choice, which is hatred and rage.”
Democrat lawmakers continue their efforts to cancel the former president, with Rep. Linda Sanchez, D-Calif., introducing a bill last month that would prevent twice-impeached former presidents from being buried at Arlington National Cemetery.
The so-called “No Glory for Hate Act” would also bar the federal government from naming any monuments or buildings after Trump. Rep. Nikema Williams, D-Ga., even introduced legislation which would ban Trump from ever entering the U.S. Capitol again.

Hannity asked, whether such proposals are really the best use of lawmakers’ time and energy in the midst of an ongoing pandemic.
“Millions of Americans are unable to get the COVID vaccine, incompetent governors [are] botching the rollout, millions and millions of Americans [are] out of work, high-paying career jobs [are] literally ripped away and destroying the energy sector in this country, and this is what your Democratic leaders and lawmakers are focused on,” he said.
Meanwhile, the mainstream media is “nowhere to be found” when it comes to criticizing the new administration, Hannity said, because they’re also too occupied with “obsessively raging” over Trump.
“The radical socialist Democrats are now running our federal government. Buckle up,” he said. “I hope you get involved. I hope you get engaged, because it’s going to be rocky. The impact will be felt for generations.”
*story by Fox News