President Joe Biden stopped himself as he started to make a comment about women who accuse men of sexual misconduct during an interview where he discussed sexual misconduct allegations against Democratic New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo.
During the interview, Biden told ABC’s George Stephanopoulos that Cuomo should resign if sexual misconduct allegations against him are confirmed to be true, adding “I think he’ll probably end up being prosecuted, too.”
The president said he believed that “a woman should be presumed telling the truth and should not be scapegoated and become victimized by her coming forward,” and that allegations should be investigated.
“It takes a lot of courage for a woman to come forward,” Biden said Tuesday. “Some are not — anyway, takes a lot of courage to come forward,” Biden said.
Biden’s former senate staffer Tara Reade accused him last March of kissing her, touching her, and penetrating her with his fingers without her consent when she worked for him in 1993. Biden has repeatedly denied the allegations.
After the alleged assault, Reade told the DCNF last spring, she complained about sexual harassment to three Biden staffers: Marianne Baker, Biden’s executive assistant, and Dennis Toner and Ted Kaufman, who were both top Biden aides at the time.
Reade previously said that her complaint is included in Biden’s Senate records housed by the University of Delaware Library, but Biden argued in May 2020 that the papers he donated to the University of Delaware do not contain his personnel files and should not be opened up to the public as they could impact his political career.
*story by The Daily Caller