Tucker: Biden claim assault weapon ban will make America safer ‘an appalling lie’ contradicted by evidence

During Friday’s “Tucker Carlson Tonight”, Fox News host Tucker Carlson, informed his audience about the case of Rhode Island man, Edward Canaglia, who had his guns seized by the police while he was in the hospital, despite being deemed not a threat to himself or others after an argument with his wife–a case that is now before the Supreme Court.

TUCKER: So this case is now before the Supreme Court as it should be. But here’s the remarkable thing, the Biden administration is backing the police officers who stole Edward Canaglia’s guns with no warrant. In fact, the Biden administration is asking the Supreme Court to approve of this and make it a precedent. They’re asking for permission to search any home they want, without a warrant and take what they want. Any guns that Joe Biden’s police find will be confiscated in the name of “public safety.” Think about that, it’s almost beyond belief. It should be on the front page of every paper in the country, the ACLU should be fighting it but none of that’s happening.

According to Joe Biden, firearms are just that dangerous. And most dangerous of all, Joe Biden has told us, including this week, are something called “assault weapons.” Assault weapons are such a threat, Joe Biden says, he’s not going to wait for the Supreme Court. He wants Congress, which his party controls, to pass a total ban on “assault weapons.” That sounds familiar because we did it before—for ten years. And it didn’t work, it didn’t work for a bunch of different reasons. First, because no one can define what an “assault weapon” is. Second, not that many people are killed by assault weapons. But Joe Biden doesn’t. If you go to Joe Biden’s website, you’ll learn that “assault weapons” are responsible for quote, “our gun violence epidemic.” They’re “weapons of war” and if you can get them off the streets this country will be a much safer place. Well, that’s a total crock. And not only is it a lie, it’s an appalling lie, contradicted completely by actual evidence.

*story by Fox News