Controversial talk show host Candace Owens has launched a scathing attack on President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris in her latest tweet. She termed Biden and Harris as ‘crooks’ and accused them of ‘lying, stealing and cheating’ to reach the zenith of their political careers.
Her attack came in the context of Kamala Harris’ children’s book ‘Superheroes are Everywhere’ being gifted to migrant children at a shelter in California. Owens highlighted the fact that the books were being paid for by the Biden administration using taxpayer’s money. “Imagine if President Donald Trump used taxpayer money to buy his own books to give out to foreigners,” she said in her tweet.
Why did Owens slam Biden and Harris?
The news about a shelter camp for unaccompanied migrant children in Long Beach, California surfaced on April 25, 2021. It was found that the children at the shelter were presented with Kamala Harris’ book for children titled ‘Superheroes are Everywhere’ as a welcome gift. New York Post pointed out that the expense for the books was coming out of US taxpayer dollars.
It was insinuated by Candace Owens that the Biden administration was spending the taxpayer’s money to publish and distribute the VP’s book among ‘foreigners’.
While slamming Biden and Harris, Owens compared them with former President Donald Trump. She indicated how Trump would have been severely criticized had he done something similar to aid ‘foreigners’. However, Owens’ words soon backfired as Twitter users pointed out the times when Trump was accused of misusing taxpayer dollars to fund his golfing trips and vacation stays.
‘No taxpayer dollars were spent here’
Twitter users called out Candace Owens and some even insisted that no taxpayer dollars were spent in the publication or distribution of Harris’ book. One user responded to her tweet saying, “Imagine if Donald Trump frequently used taxpayer money to go on his excessive golfing trips during his Presidency? Oops, on second thought …….”
A second one added, “You mean the way he paid himself every time he went golfing or stayed at his hotels?” Another added, “Hey Candy. Any chance you want to say something positive about America? Maybe every once in a while? Just a thought. Lots of good things happening. Everyday”.
“No taxpayer dollars were spent here. The book was one of an assortment of hundreds of titles donated to the Long Beach Emergency Intake Site as part of a City of Long Beach new books and toys drive that is ongoing to support the migrant children,” a user tweeted, contradicting Candace Owens’ claim.
*story by MEAWW