Jonathan Koeppel, a Louisiana high school teacher that went viral last month after objecting to his school’s gender theory curriculum, spoke with the Daily Caller about his experience protesting the radical lessons.
Koeppel spoke out against gender identity education during an April school board meeting. Koeppel criticized an application used in school by students called “Brain Pop” for teaching about gender identity and personal pronouns.
“Who gave permission to talk about this? There’s two genders,” said Koeppel during the meeting. “I’m not going to work in a district that’s okay with that.”
Koeppel played for the board a lesson from “Brainpop” that was teaching students to refer to their friends as “they” if you were unsure of friends’ gender pronouns. (RELATED : Arkansas Governor Approves Ending Critical Race Theory Education For State Agencies)
Koeppel has been teaching public education for three years and decided it was time to speak out against gender identity education.
“I was really shocked when I found out that a children’s program was promoting this idea that there are infinite genders to children,” Koeppel told the Daily Caller. “When I saw this was happening I realized that kids in my area were being exposed this I said you know what I am not going to be quiet about it. I am going to make a very firm stance.”
*story by The Daily Caller