Jesse Watters mocked members of the White House Press Corps during a Thursday segment of “The Five” on Fox News.
Citing a recent magazine feature on White House press secretary Jen Psaki, Watters compared the way journalists spoke of her to the way they spoke of former press secretaries like Kayleigh McEnany and Sarah Huckabee Sanders.
“Still not a believer in liberal media bias?” Watters asked. “Take a listen to this, the press is now openly rooting for Jen Psaki. White House reporters gushing over the press secretary in a magazine feature saying things like she takes questions from everybody, she doesn’t get rattled, she doesn’t lose her cool, she is a pro, you know, she is unflappable and she is like any other competent, professional, pleasant, lovely press person from any other era.”
Watters then turned the question to cohost Dana Perino, who served as White House press secretary to former President George W. Bush.
“I don’t know, Dana, is Jen Psaki getting ten questions a day about how racist her boss is or how her administration is treasonous or trying to hurt women and children and immigrants?” Watters asked. “I haven’t seen that yet.”
“She is not getting — no, she is not getting that,” Perino agreed, going on to say that the last time she had seen a similar dynamic was with Tony Snow, who also served as press secretary during George W. Bush’s presidency. “The press as I remember, they absolutely loved him. He would love to spar with them from the podium but he did that in such a gentle way and also, he was just friendly to everybody.”
“Being a press spokesperson for a Democrat is a really, really easy job,” cohost Greg Gutfeld added. “You are on the home-field advantage, right? You are dealing with the media whose toughest question will be, what is your recipe for brownies? I think she did make them brownies. It is kind of like running an ice cream parlor on a hot day. Everybody there is really happy to see you. And I love how like the compliments they were giving were that she was sunny, professional, she doesn’t get rattled, they were basically sub-tweeting the prior administration.”
Gutfeld went on to say that he wasn’t criticizing them for liking Psaki because he was sure that she was a nice person.
“It has nothing to do with niceness, they just don’t like Dana’s or Kayleigh’s politics,” Gutfeld continued.
Perino jumped back in to make one final point, saying that if she were to advise someone in the private sector in hiring a communications person, she’d encourage them to hire someone who had worked in Republican politics.
“Because I guarantee you they have worked so much harder and they’ve seen it all,” she said.
*story by The Daily Caller