Eight people charged into a North Carolina classroom and beat up a 14-year-old girl in front of her classmates and faculty, according to the Guilford County Sheriff’s Office.
Video of the Tuesday attack shows a parent, 37, throwing punches at the girl, alongside seven others, all between 16 and 18 years old, WGHP reported. Six of the seven teens are students.
The attack was planned, deputies said. One of the students at Southern Guilford High School let the group inside and led them to the classroom, according to WGHP .
Three of the students attend Southern Guilford High School, while the other three go to a school in a neighboring district.
“One of the students did show up with their parent — their mother came,” deputies told WFMY. “So, she participated not only there just for support for her student, but actually, participated in the assault as well.”
Investigators say the assault may stem from an earlier fight at a bus stop involving the victim, and a 16-year-old girl who took part in the attack, WFMY reported.
A school resource officer, faculty and administrators weren’t able to respond fast enough to stop the attack, according to the TV station, and the victim suffered minor injuries to her face. The group ran from the classroom and was detained in the parking lot.
The two adults will be charged with assault, first-degree trespassing, and inciting a riot, WXII reported.
Three of the students — those attending South Guilford High School — have been suspended.
All the minors are expected to be charged with juvenile petitions for assault, according to the outlet.
*story by Raleigh News & Observer
(*) WhitePrideHomeSchool.com