A proof of vaccination mandate in New York City requires certain establishments to make people furnish proof that they have received at least one COVID-19 vaccine dose in order to enter. This applies to indoor dining at restaurants, indoor movie theaters, indoor gyms, and more.
But in addition to the proof of vaccination requirement, people must also provide a form of identification.
“I hereby order that a covered entity shall not permit a patron, full- or part-time employee, intern, volunteer, or contractor to enter a covered premises without displaying proof of vaccination and identification bearing the same identifying information as the proof of vaccination,” Mayor Bill de Blasio’s emergency executive order states.
“‘Identification’ means an official document bearing the name of the individual and a photo or date of birth. Examples of acceptable identification include but are not limited to: driver’s license number, non-driver government ID card, IDNYC, passport, and school ID card,” the order explains.
While the order took effect on Tuesday, the section of the order detailing fines for businesses who are non-compliant will not take effect until Sept. 13.
“NYC’s new vaccination screening program for indoor dining etc requires that you show proof of vax *and* ID,” New York City Councilmember Mark Levine tweeted. “If you have an ID—don’t forget to bring it. If you need an ID—get the City’s IDNYC. Available to all including undocumented.”
“The ID requirement is to help reduce fraud. Venues covered by the vax screening program are required to check ID for those 18+. Checking ID for 12+ is optional. The NYC Covid Safe app allows you to upload a picture of your ID if you don’t want to carry it,” Levine added in another tweet.
Voter ID requirements have been a topic of political debate around the country and many Twitter users brought up the issue of voter ID when responding to Levine’s tweets.
“An ID to reduce fraud? I wonder if this could be applied to voting?” read one tweet responding to Levine.
“I was told requiring ID to do certain activities was racist?” another tweet said in response to Levine. “Or is preventing fraud worth doing, if it doesn’t have to do with voting?” the same Twitter user added in another tweet.
“So…requiring ID is no longer racist and excessively burdensome?” another tweet asked.
“I’m old enough to remember when this was systemic racism,” another tweet stated.
“Requiring IDs reduces fraud? Where have I heard this argument before?” another social media user said in a tweet.
According to the New York City Board of Elections, “Registered voters do not need to show ID to vote, unless they did not provide identification with their registration. First time voters must provide identification either on or with their voter registration application. If you have not provided ID by Election Day, you are still allowed to vote by affidavit ballot, but not using the poll site scanner.”
When registering, people can satisfy the ID requirement by suppling their driver’s license, the last four digits of their Social Security number, or they can satisfy the requirement in other ways.
*story by The Blaze