Reporter Asks Psaki How People Can Trust Administration On Afghanistan If They’re Hiding White House Dog’s Biting Spree

White House press secretary Jen Psaki was asked Friday how Americans can “have faith” in President Joe Biden’s administration regarding Afghanistan when it shielded the number of dog-biting incidents.

According to the emails obtained by Judicial Watch, Major was reportedly involved in 8 different biting incidents.

“We expect honest information even for minor stories,” the reporter said. “And if we can’t get honest information about minor stories, why should we have faith in the administration’s account for larger issues like Afghanistan?” he asked.


Psaki thanked him for keeping “the dog in the news in the briefing room.”

She said, “As we’ve stated previously, Major has had some challenges adjusting to life in the White House … He has been receiving additional training. As well as spending some time in Delaware where the environment is more familiar to him and he is more comfortable.”

“I don’t have any additional specifics, but I think that speaks to where Major is located to be fully transparent in your ongoing interest in the dog,” she added.

However, the press was notified of only a few of those. On March 10, CNN reported the dog had bit two people. Psaki later confirmed that the dog, Major, “did in fact bite someone at the White House” and labeled it a “minor injury.” On March 30, 2021, the White House once again confirmed the president’s dog had “bit another employee, who then required medical attention.”

*story by The Daily Caller