The state wants to own your child

For a good reason, there has been a lot of coverage and outrage over the news that the Democratic-controlled state of California intends to pass a bill allowing 12-year-old children to be able to get the COVID-19 vaccine without parental consent. For context, remember what 12-year-olds are — 6th-graders.

It is, of course, worthy of outrage and in a normal world, we would wonder how politicians suddenly lost their minds. But this is not sudden. Politicians have been working at taking complete control of your children for decades and have made significant inroads. Step by step, state and city governments have been changing laws allowing minors to consent without their parent’s involvement or knowledge to a myriad of “health care” decisions.

Both Republican and Democratic governors of California have continually expanded the “health care” minors can receive not just without a parent’s consent, but providers and others are forbidden by law to inform a parent about what is happening without the child’s consent!

This includes providing birth control, abortion, mental health services, sexual assault treatment, drug and alcohol treatment, treatment for infectious diseases and more. California started in this direction in at least 1992, with laws expanding to what minors could “consent.”

Make no mistake, none of this has anything to do with children’s health and everything to do with stripping away the natural and expected and legal right of parents to have first and final say over what their minor children will and will not do. Hillary Clinton’s “It Takes a Village” narrative wasn’t just thoughtless rhetoric. The left and other power-hungry politicians know they can only capture the next generation if they have more control over them than you do.

All of us must ask, what are the local laws in your area? Your city, your state? As an example, the Los Angeles Times reports that both Washington and Philadelphia have laws allowing children as young as 11 years old to be inoculated with the COVID-19 vaccine without parental approval or knowledge.

What’s truly absurd is children really can’t provide “informed consent,” which involves understanding the repercussions of their actions. Children can’t access the activity or “service” at issue because, well, they’re children. But that doesn’t stop the left. Check out the bragging by the “California School-Based Health Alliance” as it explains how it overcomes the problem of being in charge of your child’s body without your knowledge:

“In order to receive services, not only does a person need to consent to them, but they also need to be able to access them. School-based health centers (SBHCs) increase access to services by offering them in a place that is familiar, trusted, and convenient — in school. SBHCs play a unique role for young people consenting to services under minor consent laws. Not only do SBHCS increase access to minor consent services but also they enable young people to access these services in a truly confidential manner. Young people who need minor consent services do not have to worry about transportation to and from their appointment and can have their absence from class excused. SBHCs help enable young people to consent and access services that they are entitled to by California law.”

Notice how the words “child” and “minor” are eliminated. That’s another key to the agenda — to cast children as simply small adults capable of making “informed decisions.” We know that’s not true, but it also facilitates the argument of those who sexualize children. They, too, say children can “consent,” in their case, to sexual activity. After all, if you can “consent” to an abortion, why wouldn’t you be able to consent to sex with whomever?

Allowing a child to make life-changing decisions on their own is shocking enough, but this situation isn’t even really about that. All that is happening requires the involvement and consent of adults to facilitate this stripping of your parental rights. This process transfers your decision-making right about your minor child to a state-sanctioned stranger. The stranger adult will decide if your child can make this decision, the stranger adult will be with them, the stranger adult will advise them.

It makes much more sense now when we hear someone like former Gov. Terry McAuliffe in Virginia say out loud that parents have no say in what their children are taught. We are watching school boards and teachers unions behave as though they are in charge of your children, often saying publicly that parents have no right to interfere with what they’re doing with your children.

It makes sense now that Secretary of Education Miguel Cardona asked the National School Boards Association to prepare a letter requesting the DOJ to intervene and consider parents as terrorists for daring to become involved with the local school boards.

Democrats have considered parents the enemy for quite some time, and they’ve successfully codified that belief. They’ve enjoyed having your parental rights transferred to them because it furthers their narrative that you’re dangerous, and now the laws prove you can’t be trusted with your own children.

This attitude that the average American is the enemy is what drives the Democratic Party and many others in our bureaucratic establishment. It reinforces their craven narrative that only they — the state — know what’s best for everyone. And if they are allowed to remove your rights to the most personal aspect of yourselves and your family — your actual children — nothing else is off the table.

*story by The Washington Times