Local Antifa Group Shows Up Armed To Protect Grown Men Dancing Provocatively For Children

Some members of the far-left group antifa showed up Sunday to “protect” a drag queen event where minors were present.

Anderon Distillery and Grill in Roanoke, Texas, held a “Barrel Babes Brunch” featuring four different drag queens. Protect Texas Kids, which arranged a counter protest to the event, said it confirmed that children were allowed to be in attendance at the event.

“Join us for Barrel Babes, a special brunch Sunday, August 28 11AM-3PM (with a fun show starting at 1PM). Where kindness and inclusion meets fabulous fun, the event is hosted by Trisha Delish, is cover-free, and will feature three other queens from Dallas,” the restaurant announced on its Facebook page.

I would normally ask if you are dumb but I already know the answer to that question… https://t.co/YKWQrEHuif pic.twitter.com/vK22ea6Opm

Video footage from the event shows men dancing provocatively with children present.

The antifa group showed up armed to the event and said its goal was “to facilitate a happy and peaceful event for families by protecting the community.” (RELATED: Pennsylvania Drag Queen Who Performed For Children Charged With 25 Counts Of Child Pornography)

“It is important that our communities show up to defend themselves and each other,” the antifa group wrote in an instagram post, according to journalist Andy Ngo. “Show up!”

Today a group of armed #Antifa members came to Roanoke, TX to support a drag queen event. The local chapter of the John Brown Gun Club, an #Antifa militia linked to domestic terrorism, led the call to direct action. It is headed by Christopher Guillott & Garrett Lee. pic.twitter.com/TC1uAG7Hl8

— Andy Ngô 🏳️‍🌈 (@MrAndyNgo) August 28, 2022

One of the antifa members wore a patch that read, “I bite fascists,” according to journalist Steven Monacelli.

The brunch was entirely sold out and the event passed a “no sexual content” inspection from the Texas Comptroller’s Office, according to the restaurant. In a post five days before the event, the restaurant claimed there would be “no sexual content” and “no erotic behavior” at the event.

* Article from: The Daily Caller