DCNF Reporter Debunks Claim Martha’s Vineyard Migrants Were Misled

A Daily Caller News Foundation reporter debunked claims that migrants flown to Martha’s Vineyard were misled during a Monday-morning appearance on Newsmax.

“According to these documents we obtained, migrants were informed of the destination that they were going to Martha’s Vineyard and asked multiple times if they wanted to go before they boarded the flights according to a source,” DCNF investigative reporter Jennie Taer told “National Report” co-host Shaun Kraisman.

Documents obtained by the DCNF show that the migrants were provided a map showing their location as Martha’s Vineyard. The migrants also received supplies, snacks and information about local agencies that could provide services and support.

Democratic Gov. Gavin Newsom of California denounced the flights and wrote Attorney General Merrick Garland demanding an investigation into Republican Govs. Ron DeSantis of Florida and Greg Abbott of Texas. Newsom repeated debunked claims that migrants were misled about their destinations.

“This is a Democratic talking point that’s been repeated since these migrants have been transported by Republican governors,” Taer said. “It started with Gov. Abbott’s busing campaign, and we also debunked that and talked about that on your show as well,” Taer said.

Newsom did not immediately respond to a request for comment from the DCNF.

* Article from: The Daily Caller