Parents outraged as Encinitas Union School District plans Halloween party with ‘FAMILY-FRIENDLY’ drag show

SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA: Parents from a public school in San Diego, California, are up in arms over a flyer that advertises the “queerest” Halloween party with a “family-friendly” drag show sponsored by a gay bar and a gender reassignment surgery center. The parents of the students are outraged as the Encinitas Union School District is planning to host the controversial Halloween event.

According to the flyer, the event is called Boo Bash, which is described as a queer Halloween party for families and youth. The event includes games, trick-or-treating, and a “family-friendly drag show.”

The event is being organized by The Trans Family Support Services, a group based in San Diego that provides transgender support services nationwide, according to The Blaze.

Encinitas Union School District students sent the flyers promoting the Halloween party via email. District officials stated that they previously included the flyer for a non-district event in Peachjar, an optional information hub that provides community events and opportunities for local adults and families, reported 10news.

The statement by the school explained that all flyers are stamped with the words, “distribution of this flyer does not imply endorsement by the Encinitas union school district, its schools or staff and is distributed in compliance with federal and state law.”

To protest against the Halloween event, some parents have planned to attend the school board meeting to denounce a district employee who called them “homophobic”.

“He got a call from a concerned parent who said they got the flyer via email. As a result, they are now curious about how or why it was sent through the district’s email system,” Paul Jonna, an attorney, told KGTV-TV.

“A lot of people are just generally not comfortable with the idea of pushing drag queen shows on little kids but separate and apart from that, I think the biggest concern with this event are the sponsors,” Jonna added.

“We submitted a public records request to find out more about their involvement, their communication with these sponsors and sort of this event,” he further said.

Meanwhile, the organization’s founder and executive director, Kathie Moehlig, said that the event will go on as planned. “We’re not going to back down from doing what we know is right and appropriate to support these youth and their families, just because some people think they can use it as their mega piece to get talking points and get attention,”

The event is scheduled for October 29, 2022, at 1500 University Avenue in San Diego. It will reportedly take place from 11 am to 2 pm.

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