Privilege Bingo and ‘pregnancy transition’: 10 examples of woke dogma permeating US government

From the halls of Congress to the alphabet soup of federal agencies, woke ideology, from gender identity sensitivity training to critical race theory, has worked its way into virtually every part of the U.S. government. Here are ten examples showing how woke dogma has come to permeate the government:

1. The Department of Veterans Affairs uses a “genderbread person” illustration to

instruct personnel on gender fluidity among other “gender options,” including pansexual, two-spirit, agender and “neutrois,” according to reporting from the Wall Street Journal. The purpose of this appears to be to reeducate soldiers to believe that gender is not binary but, rather, a spectrum.
2. Biological male soldiers who identify as female are allowed to share bathrooms with biological females in the Army. According to page 29 of the Army’s transgender policy, if a biological female is concerned about privacy in terms of showering with an anatomically male transgender woman, they can speak with their commanding officer. In the end, though, they are essentially told to “toughen up.”

3. NASA has launched an “Allyship for Executives,” which counsels that the term “African-American” is “utilized heavily in white spaces” and “can make Black people feel excluded.” The agency that first landed a man on the moon also has a tip sheet on microaggressions, which cautions that it’s inappropriate to “ask an Asian person to help with a math or science problem.”

4. The Department of Homeland Security has used a cartoon in diversity training sessions to promote inclusive diversity. The cartoon is titled “The ‘Real’ Pain of Exclusion” and claims that micro-inequities can be combated by micro-affirmations because “social and physical pain produce similar brain responses.”

5. Names such as the “Washington Redskins” and “Robert E Lee High School” are microaggressions, according to page 3 of the NASA tip sheet on microaggressions. It defines their “impact/message” as “You don’t belong here” or “You’re not welcome here.”

6. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) spent $313,000 on diversity training that included courses like “8 Tactics for Courageous Workplace Conversations About Race,” “Let’s Talk About Systemic Racism, Unconscious Bias and Privilege,” and “Silence is a Statement: Understanding Race in the Workplace.”

7. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) offers a two-hour seminar on “unconscious bias” titled “Checking Your Blindspot: Ways to Find and Fix Unconscious Bias.” The seminar urges confronting unconscious bias because it can lead “people, teams, and organizations to be less creative, inclusive, and effective.”

8. “Pregnancy Transition” is the term used in the Army when a biological female who identifies as a male stops taking male hormones in order to start a family. Commanding officers are trained how to react when a soldier approaches them “to discuss his newly confirmed pregnancy.”

9. “Privilege Bingo” is a game that can be played at the VA during its “Managing Gender Diversity” training. In “Privilege Bingo,” squares that can be marked off include “NO CRIMINAL RECORD,” “MILITARY EXPERIENCE,” and “MARRIED.”

10. NASA hosted a seminar, led by former Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam’s chief diversity officer, Janice Underwood, that declares, “Reverse racism does not exist” (while acknowledging that “individuals of color can be prejudiced and biased”). The training rejects the color-blind ideal central to the teaching of Martin Luther King, Jr. and the civil rights movement that ended de jure segregation in the U.S., counseling participants: “Avoid language like: I don’t see color; I’m colorblind, I treat everyone the same, I just hire the best person.” Underwood “Underwood now leads the diversity bureau at the federal Office of Personnel Management.

* Article from: Just the News