The Catholic Schoolboy who spoke out against transgenders in the school’s women’s bathrooms and who shared that there are only two genders has been arrested.
On Sunday TGP reported on a high school student in a Catholic school in Canada who was suspended from his school for speaking out against transgender bathrooms and sharing his belief that there are only two genders.
Josh Alexander is making national news in the US for standing up against evil insanity.
On Monday, the young man was arrested for attending school.
FOX News reports:
A Catholic high school student in Canada was reportedly arrested Monday after being suspended for protesting against transgender people’s use of bathrooms and saying there are only two genders – and now he’s appealing to Ontario’s human rights tribunal.
Josh Alexander, 16, said the leadership of St. Joseph’s Catholic High School in Renfrew, Ontario, told him that his continued attendance would be “detrimental to the physical and mental well-being” of transgender students, according to the Epoch Times.
The high school junior tweeted that Ontario police arrested and charged him after he attempted to attend class in violation of an exclusion order following his suspension earlier this school year.
Alexander tweeted:
I have just been arrested and charged at my Catholic highschool for attending class after being excluded for indicating my intent to adhere to my religious beliefs. pic.twitter.com/vTkaSoTnFp
— Josh Alexander (@officialJosh_A) February 6, 2023
You can help Josh here Josh Alexander v RCCDSB, Barrie – Ontario | LifeFunder
* Article from: The Gateway Pundit