Target Unveils Pride Collection That Includes LGBT Rainbow Onesies For Newborns

Target recently announced its “Pride Collection” for 2023, which includes baby clothes with LGBT themes.

“Bien Proud” reads one onesie, which comes in sizes as low as zero to three months. Another onesie features LGBT rainbows and hearts with the color of the transgender pride flag. The collection also features rainbow socks in kid’s sizes.

The collection also features pride themed family outfits. Target is selling LGBT books targeting children, such as “Bye-bye Binary,” about a baby who doesn’t get put “in a pink or blue corner,” and “What Are Your Words,” a book that instructs children on how to use preferred pronouns. Some clothing also features drag queens.

Welcome to @Target‘s new “Pride Collection” that includes shirts with slogans like:

“Queer! Queer! Queer! Queer!”
“Homophobia. Transphobia. Can be cured with Education”
“Ask me about my pronouns” and
“Live, Laugh, Lesbian”


— Charlie Kirk (@charliekirk11)

Target experienced a massive boycott in 2016 after announcing that employees and customers could use the bathroom that corresponded to their “gender identity,” rather than their biological sex.

“Target’s policy is exactly how sexual predators get access to their victims,” an online petition, which amassed millions of signatures, read. “And with Target publicly boasting that men can enter women’s bathrooms, where do you think predators are going to go?”

CEO Brian Cornell doubled down on the policy, likening the move to the 1960s Civil Rights movement.

“We had a lot of tough feedback, but sitting here today, we know we made the right decision.”

* Article From: The Daily Caller