One MLB Team Refuses To Bow To ‘Pride Night’ Trend

Every single MLB team in the United States has a scheduled ‘Pride Night’ on their schedule in 2023 except for one. The Texas Rangers have bucked the trend.

In a world that constantly increasingly mandates our sports teams to capitulate to left wing causes, the Rangers are focused on BASEBALL. Perhaps this is why they are one of the most successful teams this season, standing currently 4.5 games ahead of second place in the AL West.

Turning Point USA reports on this…

To celebrate Pride Month, most teams in Major League Baseball have scheduled a “Pride Night” to celebrate the LGBT community. However, this year, the Texas Rangers will be the only MLB team to not host a Pride Night for its fans.

MLB’s practice of holding “Pride Nights” began in 2001 when the Chicago Cubs were the first team to schedule such an event. Since then, every team has adopted a similar event at their ballpark. It appears that the Rangers have no regard for this practice. While the team has themed nights on schedule to celebrate things such as Star Wars and Whataburger, they have no interest in hosting a “Pride Night” for their fans.

In a statement made to the Huffington Post, the Rangers affirmed their stance, saying that they stand for all of their fans, not just those in the LGBTQ community. That statement reads…

Our commitment is to make everyone feel welcome and included in Rangers baseball. That means in our ballpark, at every game, and in all we do — for both our fans and our employees. We deliver on that promise across our many programs to have a positive impact across our entire community.

Baseball teams should not be focused on political issues. They should be instead focusing on the game.

* Article From: Rare