Elder: ‘We Just Had Gay Pride Month — Maybe It’s Time for Let’s Take It Easy on the White Man Month’

Thursday on FNC’s “The Ingraham Angle,” Republican presidential hopeful Larry Elder criticized the view some on the left were presenting about so-called “structural racism” while dismissing aspects of black-on-black crime as racist.

“Well, you know, we just had gay pride month,” he said. “Maybe it’s time for ‘let’s take it easy on the white man’ month. The sad truth is that 60% of the shootings, the robberies, the homicides in America are committed by black people. The sad truth is half of the homicide victims in America are black, almost all killed by other blacks, as same race crime murder is the same race crime. Most of the — most whites who are killed are killed by other whites. According to the CDC, a young black man aged 10 to 43, I’m not making this up, is 13 times more likely to be murdered than a young white man.”

* Article From: Breitbart News