Grocery store employee knocks out alleged shoplifter with flying 2-liter soda bottle

An alleged shoplifter was seemingly rendered unconscious after being hit with a flying soda bottle while attempting to leave a grocery store, video showed.

A man appearing to be a security guard for a grocery store was captured on surveillance video attempting to stop an alleged shoplifter from leaving the store.

The guard is seen confronting a male wearing a backpack who appeared to be trying to leave the premises. The guard used a collection of shopping carts to stop the man from leaving temporarily, but the man pushed the carts and the guard toward the store’s exit.


Within seconds, the second alleged employee threw what appeared to be a two-liter soda bottle directly at the head of the victim, knocking him to the ground.

The two-handed, overhead toss of what was likely a bottle of Diet Coca-Cola seemed to knock out the alleged shoplifter, with the bottle landing safely on top of the discarded shopping carts.

Within just a few weeks, a series of shoplifting incidents have garnered national attention due to the severity of the situations. In September 2023, California’s Bay Area saw a frightening shoplifting incident where a store clerk was set on fire by an attacker.

A serial shoplifter made multiple trips to a store to steal lighter fluid before returning to the location to conduct his attack. Surveillance footage showed a store clerk confronting the homeless shoplifter while his coworker armed himself with a baseball bat. Before the coworker was able to close the distance and start swinging, the shoplifter doused the victim with lighter fluid and set him ablaze.

The clerk survived the attack with second- and third-degree burns.


Firefighters found the man in a parking lot, and he later died from his injuries at a hospital. Police said that the man had tried to steal clothing from another store before he was driven away by employees and walked next door to the gun shop.

The employee was arrested and charged with murder in early October 2023.

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