Eight of the nine men convicted of raping a 15-year-old girl in 2020 will not face jail time, according to German news outlet NIUS.
Moment, verstehe ich das richtig? Eine 15-Jährige geht an einem Samstag auf eine Party im Stadtpark und wird im Gebüsch von neun Männern in vier Touren vergewaltigt. Während die neun Täter das Mädchen 2,5 Stunden (in Worten: zweieinhalb) lang gangrapen und einem Martyrium… pic.twitter.com/CQIHT2mIt4
The 15-year-old girl was attending a party in Germany’s Hamburg Park in Sept. 2020 when she was allegedly dragged into the bushes and raped by 11 men, according to German news outlet NIUS.
The other eight defendants all received youth sentences of one to two years, which were all suspended under Germany’s preliminary probation law, the outlet reported.
The judgements are reportedly non-binding and not yet final, according to NIUS.
The German outlet noted that the 11 indicted suspects represented a range of nationalities. Four were German, while others hailed from Kuwait, Poland, Egypt, Libya and Iran.
Defendants argued that their alleged gang rape was a “means of releasing frustration and anger” stemming from their “migration experiences and socio-cultural homelessness,” according to the Hamburger Morgenpost.
* Original Article: