It Took a Study to Prove the Obvious

Who could have guessed this?

Not me. I bet you couldn’t have guessed it either.

Shockingly, British and American researchers have published a study in the British Medical Journal that shows that, according to their statistical analysis, biological sex has a greater impact on athletic performance than gender identity.

As far as I know, Lia Thomas had no comment.

Will wonders never cease? Next, we will learn that the Earth is round, the moon has not an ounce of green cheese on it, and that pigs can’t fly.


While I am certain that more than a few people pushing alphabet ideology on us do actually believe that the physical capabilities of people that are tied to biology suddenly change when a person becomes delusional about their gender, I am also convinced that a similar number of activists know that this isn’t the case.

They are simply using the power granted them by the elite to force people to submit. Forcing people to mouth things they know are not true is one of the most powerful tools of control one can acquire. This is why communist countries expend a lot of effort to make people do it.

There is nothing absurd about doing a scientific study to confirm something we all know to be true–occasionally, you discover that you were wrong. It is absurd that you have to do a scientific study to confirm what we all know to be true in order to chip away at ridiculous policies based on obvious lies.

If alphabet ideology were the basis for academic study and debate, I wouldn’t be so angry about it. All sorts of ideas are tested and debated in academia, and as long as policies are not based on seemingly absurd and utterly unproven assertions, it can be an interesting intellectual exercise.

Alphabet ideology, though, has never been an intellectual exercise; it has always been about seizing power, and it has worked.


It should be a basic principle that changing institutions and beliefs requires extraordinary proof that doing so would make the world a better place. Unless you can do that, the presumption should be that the current arrangements are superior.

This principle doesn’t require the belief that we live in the best possible world because we don’t. Instead, it is just a practical recognition that what we have works pretty well, and replacing it with something untried and quite possibly worse is a bad bet.

Putting men into women’s sports was a recognizably bad bet, and people who required it did so with zero evidence that it wasn’t. That alone should have been reason enough to reject the idea.

That it wasn’t tells you how corrupt our institutions have become.

* Original Article: