Hundreds of Teens Involved in Fights After TikTok Video Promised Violence at South Florida Fair: Report

Five people were arrested after hundreds of juveniles participated in multiple fights at the South Florida Fair on Saturday, local news reported.

Three juveniles and one adult man were arrested and charged with trespassing and resisting without violence, the Palm Beach County Sheriff (PBSO) told CBS12. Another juvenile was charged with resisting with violence and battery on a law enforcement officer.


Two men alleged that they were stabbed at the fair that night, but they declined to provide more information to officials.

Prior to the altercations, a TikTok was posted that advocated for violence on Saturday, CBS12 reported. The sheriff’s office said a higher command is investigating whether the post played a role in the violence.

A fight broke out at the fair last year as well, leading to four arrests. In response, new safety policies were implemented this year. Wristbands are required for children between 11 and 17 years old. Anyone under 18 must be accompanied by a parent or guardian after 7 p.m. on Friday and Saturday.

“They’re not riding the rides. They’re not doing the things they’re supposed to be doing, so we want to keep it a family-friendly event,” Vicki Chouris, president/CEO of the South Florida Fair, told WPTV.

* Original Article: