Peter Schweizer explains how the Clintons paved the road of corruption for Joe Biden

While America’s founders were mostly concerned about Great Britain, they were also worried about elected officials being given commercial opportunities as a form of persuasion.

Investigative journalist Peter Schweizer believes that political attitudes began to turn on this issue under Bill and Hillary Clinton.

“It was really the Clintons that turbocharged this,” Schweizer tells Mark Levin.


Meanwhile, the Clinton Foundation began accepting $10 million donations from foreign governments while Hillary was secretary of state.

“If this stuff is allowed to happen,” Schweizer continues, “If the Clintons get away with it, and they largely did, other people are going to start doing the same thing.”

Now, the Bidens are following suit.

“The Bidens are even more blatant and direct about it than the Clintons were,” he says, noting that the foreign governments they’re dealing with are largely our greatest enemies.

“It’s going to get worse until enough people in Washington are prepared to stand up and say, ‘No, we’re not tolerating this anymore, this goes beyond the pale, it has to stop,’” Schweizer adds.

Levin is in agreement.

“Either you want to fight to save your country, or we’re going to lose it,” he says.

* Original Article: