A local Democratic politician from New Jersey is facing a firestorm after she posted a meme mocking Easter while defending drag queens and abortion.
“Easter eggs are aborted chicken babies that are painted in drag for small children to worship. Happy Easter,” read the meme on Instagram.
Glen Rock Borough Councilwoman Paula Gilligan apologized for the meme after facing criticism, especially from Christians who were offended by the meme. Some have called for the Democrat to resign her post.
She was referring to laws passed in red states intending to protect the sanctity of life by recognizing the personhood of fertilized embryos.
“It is my personal opinion that people have the right to control their bodies and their lives. My personal Instagram does not constitute the official views, opinions or beliefs of the Mayor and Council of the Borough of Glen Rock,” she continued.
“To those who feel it mocks your holiday traditions, that was not my intention,” Gilligan added. “Wishing all who celebrate a peaceful, joyous holiday.”
In a separate post on Facebook, the entire council apologized for Gilligan’s meme.
“We have been made aware of a post that appeared on one of our Council Member’s personal Instagram stories.
The statement went on to say that no one’s religion or traditions should be mocked by elected officials.
“As we have stated on many occasions before, we believe strongly that Glen Rock should be an inclusive community that celebrates and honors everyone’s religious beliefs and traditions,” they added. “This includes Christianity as well as all of the other religions represented in town. We call on all Glen Rockers to support and respect each other, and as your elected officials, we continue to strive to be examples of that support and respect.”
Glen Rock is a borough of about 11,500 residents about four miles northwest of Manhattan.
* Original Article: