Stinging warning: Home security system can hit trespassers with paintballs, tear gas

In an innovative leap for home security technology, a Slovenian startup has developed a security camera that does more than monitor. It defends property by shooting paintball or tear gas pellets at intruders with exact precision.

Modern do-it-yourself home security systems are no novelty in today’s market. They serve various purposes, from surveilling property during holidays to pet-watching during work hours. Amid a sea of similar devices, one particular product stands out for its aggressive security approach: PaintCam Eve.


Should PaintCam Eve encounter someone it doesn’t recognize, it issues a warning. If the individual fails to leave the premises promptly, the camera retaliates by launching paintball pellets.

The balls mark the intruder for future police identification and cause discomfort likely to deter further trespassing.


Described by its creators as an ultra guardian, PaintCam Eve promises continuous protection. Besides its more aggressive features, the security camera is equipped with remote access, autonomous operation in the event of an internet outage, facial recognition requiring owner verification for actions, and recognition of familiar pets to avoid accidental targeting.