Horrific moment ‘transgender’ killer strikes man walking down road at high speed with Dodge Challenger, reverses over him, straddles and kisses him before stabbing him nine times

Traumatic footage show a transgender murder suspect running over a victim twice with a Dodge Challenger in suburban Houston – before kissing and stabbing his limp body.

Law enforcement sources close to the case said the footage was some of the most horrifying they’ve seen in their careers, and culminated with the victim’s death.


Hit first and run over again as Fisher backed up, Anderson is seen looking back in disbelief seconds before he is struck. KTRK cut away before the moment of impact.

As neighbors crowded around, Fisher is seen returning to the scene with a knife, flipping the victim over and stabbing him multiple times. Seconds before, she takes the time to straddle and kiss him, eventually running off. She is now in custody, cops said – crediting that with tips received from several horrified witnesses.

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Cops have kept mum on whether she knew Fisher, but revealed in a statement she was in custody. She is identified in court records as a man, but was also described as a woman in a Monday statement from by police.


‘The suspect, Karon Fisher, 20, is charged with murder in the 185th State District Court.’

The statement indicated Anderson did not die by either impact, and was killed as a result of the nine knife wounds left by the attacker.

Officials also attached booking photo of Fisher with a blonde weave, seemingly the same one she sports in the footage.

The video, taken from a neighbor’s security camera, also shows her wearing either only undergarments or a bathing suit, as she slowly strolls back to the patch of street where Anderson was writhing on the ground.

As this happens, neighbors who flocked to Anderson’s aid look on in horror, after bringing a pillow to the suffering victim and calling 911.


Officers found the victim unresponsive in the driveway, bearing multiple stab wounds left by Fisher.

He was pronounced deceased at the scene, the officers wrote – adding how witnesses provided officers them information on the whereabouts of the suspect at a nearby location.

The location was not specified, but  Fisher was detained and questioned by detectives, cops said.

‘She was subsequently charged and taken to the Harris County Jail,’ the statement from HPD further revealed.

Public records, meanwhile, indicate she is being held on a $2million bond, as cops have aired hopes that the neighbor’s security footage leads to a quick conviction.


‘It’s very disturbing. I have kids here; they could have been out here playing, and imagine them,’ one neighbor told ABC13.

‘Broad daylight. People around every time and it happened right under our noses,’ added another, as some reportedly declined to talk due to the graphic nature of what they had witnessed.

The disturbing video, however, tells the rest of the story, and the car reversed and hit an already grounded Anderson again, seconds after he was struck at an unbelievable rate of speed.

Somehow surviving, he is seen lying sedentary on the floor as neighbors frantically call 911.

One neighbor is seen running out of their home with a pillow, before being met with the returning suspect, knife in hand.

Seemingly in a trance, she casually walks over to Anderson’s body before flipping it over and bending down,  straddling and kissing him before delivering the fatal blows.

The suspect, arrested by the department in 2022 for an unspecified disturbance 30 minutes away, again casually walking away as if nothing had happened.

She even takes the time to skip over Anderson’s corpse, after attempting to enter another car while talking to witnesses.

She is then seen escaping, before eventually being apprehended by police.


Social media profiles further indicate she attended high school in Houston, graduating in 2019.

Other information about Anderson and his family were not immediately available, but DailyMail.com has reached out to the HPD for comment.

Their investigation, as of writing, remains ongoing.

* Original Article:
