Michigan school introduces gender pronoun lesson for children: ‘I’d remove my children entirely’

US Commentator Lauren Chen has hit out at a Michigan school after their plans for a lesson on “gender identity and pronouns” were faced with widespread backlash.

Dewitt Public Schools cancelled their plans after proposing a “mini voluntary lesson” to promote “greater understanding, compassion, and kindness regarding gender identity and the use of pronouns”.

Dewitt Public Schools Superintendent Shanna Spickard has said the plans were “not designed to challenge, persuade, or alter family beliefs” but have been shut down following an influx of “inappropriate, angry, and threatening phone calls, emails, and social media messages”.


Chen hit out at the school for “crossing the line into activism” rather than straight teaching of subjects such as Maths and English.

Reacting to the proposed lesson, meant for six to seven-year-olds, Chen fumed: “For the school’s part, they’ve said it’s not a problem because we’ve informed parents ahead of time and they are able to remove their children from the classroom if they so choose.

“But if I’m a parent whose child is attending that school, this is enough of a red flag for me to remove my child from the school entirely.”

Discussing the ethos of the school, Chen suggested: “Odds are, if this is the type of material that the administration is interested in, that teachers are interested in, they are also likely talking about things like racial privilege, how bad capitalism is, same-sex attraction, all of these different things that really, I think, crossed the line into activism, moral guidance rather than just straight teaching.”

Chen stated that the proposed lesson was “inappropriate” to be taught in schools, especially to first graders.


“If things were reversed, if a conservative school or principal were to say, we are having a lesson on how to live the trad life where girls will learn cooking and little boys will learn how to chop wood, but it’s okay, you don’t have to send your kid to it, you can opt-out, that would still be seen as inappropriate.”

She continued: “That would still never be tolerated. If you’re more conservative or even just not insane in this day and age, you have to start putting your foot down and saying, no, this is unacceptable.

“It doesn’t matter if you’re letting me know ahead of time, and it doesn’t matter if you’re giving me the ability to opt-out.”

Defending parents who are against sex education in schools, Chen stated that the person children should be going to “is their parents”, not teachers.

Chen explained: “If it’s something of a sexual nature, a teacher should not be the student’s first line of defence. And also the idea that they’re going to see it anyway, so we might as well show it to them, I disagree with that mentality entirely.


“But just remember, if you decide to delegate that to a teacher of the state you’re very likely going to be inserting a whole bunch of things about same-sex attraction, masturbation, and maybe even sex toys.”

(*) www.WhitePrideHomeSchool.com

* Original Article:
