Social media slams latest transgender state champion

McDaniel High School sophomore Aayden Gallagher, a biological male who identifies as a woman and races against women, captured the title after finishing two-tenths of a second ahead of the competition, according to a report citing race statistics.


“Another proud moment for women’s sports! Aayden Gallagher (male) just placed 1st in the Oregon state championship in the women’s 200m after placing 2nd in the 400m,” college swimmer-turned-activist Riley Gaines posted.

“Look at the girls on the podium applauding when 2nd place (the rightful winner) is announced. Then watch them when the boys name is announced. Stop saying girls are okay with this because they aren’t. This is heartbreaking and deeply regressive,” she added.

Gallagher appeared to garner national attention after a dominating performance in the Portland Interscholastic League Championship semifinals, the report noted, and activists are now debating whether girls boycotting races against their biologically male competition is enough.

“People need to stop telling girls to boycott; that it’s their responsibility to step down. The boys who will run or swim against them don’t care if they win against all of them, or none of them. Hold the parents accountable for raising their boys this way,” according to one X user.


“They are okay with it. They give legitimacy to the farce by participating. If women collectively boycotted these events the charade would end. [It’s] as simple as that,” another user argued. “The problem is the trans insanity originates from the same ideology as feminism — and many women won’t let their belief system in feminism die.”

Oregon School Activities Association policy protects transgender participation.

“The OSAA endeavors to allow students to participate for the athletic or activity program of their consistently asserted gender identity while providing a fair and safe environment for all students,” the policy reads.

* Original Article:

Social media slams latest transgender state champion