Scientists acknowledge COVID vaccines and containment protocols may have boosted excess mortality

Dutch researchers indicated in a new peer-reviewed study that COVID-19 vaccines and governmental containment policies may have boosted excess mortality in the West.

The study, published Monday in the peer-reviewed journal BMJ Public Health, explored excess all-cause deaths in 47 Western countries from 2020 to 2022. It indicated that during this period, there were 3,098,456 excess deaths: 87% of the countries under review suffered excess mortality in 2020; 89% in 2021; and 91% in 2022.

The researchers made clear that excess mortality “includes not only deaths from SARS-CoV-2 infection but also deaths related to the indirect effects of the health strategies to address the virus spread and infection.”


In 2020, when Western citizens largely only had to contend with the virus, government-limited mobility rights and shuttered schools, churches, workplaces, restaurants, and parks, there were 1,033,122 excess deaths.

In 2022, when most containment protocols had been lifted and uptake of COVID-19 vaccines was in fast decline, researchers indicated there were 808,392 excess deaths.

These massive figures reflect the difference in the number of reported deaths in a country in a given year and the expected number of deaths under normal conditions. For a baseline, the Dutch researchers used Ariel Karlinsky and Dmitry Kobak’s linear regression estimate model, which draws on “historical death data in a country from 2015 until 2019 and accounts for seasonal variation in mortality and year-to-year trends due to changing population structure or socioeconomic factors.”

“Excess mortality has remained high in the Western World for three consecutive years, despite the implementation of COVID-19 containment measures and COVID-19 vaccines,” wrote the researchers. “This is unprecedented and raises serious concerns.”

“During the pandemic, it was emphasized by politicians and the media on a daily basis that every COVID-19 death mattered and every life deserved protection through containment measures and COVID-19 vaccines,” continued the researchers. “In the aftermath of the pandemic, the same morale should apply.”


“Although COVID-19 vaccines were provided to guard civilians from suffering morbidity and mortality by the COVID-19 virus, suspected adverse events have been documented as well,” wrote the researchers.

The secondary analysis of the placebo-controlled, phase III randomized clinical trials of mRNA COVID-19 vaccines showed that the Pfizer trial had a 36% higher risk of serious adverse events in the vaccine group. The risk difference was 18.0 per 10000 vaccinated (95% CI 1.2 to 34.9), and the risk ratio was 1.36 (95% CI 1.02 to 1.83). The Moderna trial had a 6% higher risk of serious adverse events among vaccine recipients. The risk difference was 7.1 per 10,000 vaccinated (95% CI −23.2 to 37.4), and the risk ratio was 1.06 (95% CI 0.84 to 1.33).39. By definition, these serious adverse events lead to either death, are life-threatening, require inpatient (prolongation of) hospitalization, cause persistent/significant disability/incapacity, concern a congenital anomaly/birth defect or include a medically important event according to medical judgement.

Previous comparisons of established flu vaccines to the novel mRNA vaccines — which the Dutch researchers indicated have been classed in multiple French studies as “gene therapy products requiring long-term stringent adverse events monitoring” — have revealed the latter to carry a far higher risk of serious adverse reactions.

COVID-19 vaccines have also been linked to various ailments, including heart disease, blood clots, hemorrhages, gut issues, thromboses, myocarditis, pericarditis, and autoimmune diseases. A number of these linkages have been well-demonstrated and even admitted by pharmaceutical giants, as in the case of AstraZeneca.

The Dutch researchers indicated that some of the risks these experimental vaccines carry were realized overtime outside of clinical trials:


The researchers framed the dangers posed by the vaccines as even more troubling given the understanding that the threat posed by the virus was overblown.

The pre-vaccination infection fatality rate for persons over 60 was reportedly 0.03% and the rate was 0.07% for those over 70. It posed virtually no threat to people ages 19 and younger, who alternatively faced an infection fatality rate of 0.0003%.

Gordon Wishart, chief medical officer at Check4Cancer, told the Telegraph, “The authors are correct to point out that many vaccine-related serious adverse events may have been unreported, and point to the fact that the simultaneous onset of excess mortality and Covid vaccination in Germany is worthy of further investigation on its own.”

Just as the vaccines were nowhere near as “safe and effective” as promised, the supposed health safety protocols appear to have had an inverse effect.

The study acknowledged that it is challenging to differentiate between the various causes of excess mortality, particularly because national mortality registries “not only vary in quality and thoroughness but may also not accurately document the cause of death,” and there was a lack of consensus in the medical community on whether to label deaths of persons infected with COVID-19 but not caused by the disease as COVID-19 fatalities.

However, they appeared confident enough to assert that “indirect effects of containment measures have likely altered the scale and nature of disease burden for numerous causes of death since the pandemic,” citing a study that indicated there was a “substantial increase” in American deaths attributed to non-COVID causes in the first two years of the pandemic.

American heart disease deaths were apparently 6% above baseline in 2020 and 2021. Diabetes deaths were 17% over baseline in 2020 and 13% over in 2021. Alzheimers disease mortality was up 19% in 2020 and 15% in 2021. Alcohol-related deaths were 28% over baseline in 2020 and up 33% in 2021. Drug-related deaths were 33% over baseline in 2020 and up 54% in 2022.


The researchers concluded by recommending policymakers and government officials to “thoroughly investigate underlying causes of persistent excess mortality and evaluate their health crisis policies.”

* Original Article: