Trans Runner Complains Biological Females Didn’t Congratulate Him Enough After Getting Beat In State Championship

Oh, give me a break …

When the race kicked off, transgender track runner Veronica Garcia didn’t hear the boos raining down.

But they only got louder when Garcia became the leader of the Washington State 2A girls 400-meter run at the track and field championships in Tacoma, so loud that Garcia could no longer deny them. Garcia ended up winning, becoming the first transgender in Washington high school sports to have a first place finish in state.

Usually, wins are a thing to celebrate, but it was anything but that for the junior at East Valley High School.

While Garcia’s competition was getting their medals, the junior cheered and clapped for them. However, when Garcia was called up to the podium, the crowd went quiet. And on top of that, Garcia’s high school competition didn’t even give him acknowledgement, standing with their hands behind them. Good for them!

But despite being a biological male, despite beating a bunch of innocent high school girls, Garcia had the audacity to complain about the lack of support — the cheek!

“I guess maybe I expected sportsmanship because I was cheering the rest of them on when they were called. So I guess I expected to get that reciprocated,” said Garcia, per The Spokesman-Review. “But I didn’t get that.”

Shoutout to these girls for not giving Garcia any glory! What a disgrace!

* Original Article: