Christian Lifeguard Secures Win Against Fire Department’s Pride Flag Requirement, But His Lawyers Want More

A Christian lifeguard has agreed to a partial exemption from the Los Angeles County Fire (LACoFD) Department for refusing to fly a Pride flag, the man’s lawyers said Wednesday.

Jeffrey Little, a 22-year department veteran, sued the LACoFD for religious discrimination after claiming he was punished for not raising the “Progress Pride Flag” during “Pride Month” 2023, Little’s lawyers from the Thomas More Society said in a press release.

According to the press release, “The Fire Department has made assurances that Little would not be personally responsible for the raising or lowering of the Progress Pride Flag, because he either will be assigned to stations that are unable to fly the Progress Pride Flag throughout June, or he will be able to trade shifts to such stations.”


The lawsuit charged the LACoFD with not upholding Little’s rights enshrined in the First Amendment and federal and state law, according to the press release.

“Little’s sincere and deeply held religious beliefs prohibit his participation in raising the Progress Pride Flag. While the Fire Department’s partial accommodation assuages Little’s immediate concerns, it does not provide full and complete protection for his religious beliefs,” his lawyers stated in the release.

Since the partial accommodation will require Little to renew his request at the start of Pride Month every June, his lawyers said they will file motions for “preliminary and permanent injunctive relief for Little,” according to the release.


Referring to his case, Little said, “My hope is that this lawsuit encourages productive dialogue between employees of faith and their employers. No employee should be expected to abandon their faith when entering the workplace.”

* Original Article: