HILARIOUS: Watch Joe Biden have ‘Mitch McConnell reboot moment’ at Juneteenth celebration​

“Joe Biden was looking rather vigorous last night at his Juneteenth celebration,” she says sarcastically.


Later, as guests were clapping along in sync to a song, poor Joe tried to keep up, but his clapping was always off beat.

Biden “doesn’t just [lack] rhythm; he doesn’t have memory,” sighs BlazeTV contributor Jaco Booyens.

“He does have poop in his diaper probably,” laughs Sara, hinting at the recent rumor that Biden pooped his pants at the 80th anniversary of the D-Day invasion in Normandy.

All jokes aside, the reality is Joe Biden — a man in serious cognitive decline — is running for another four-year term.


“[Playing] a vinyl backwards” is how Booyens describes Biden’s muddled words.

See for yourself in the clip below.