Joe Biden’s onstage freeze at LA fundraiser prompts intervention by Barack Obama

President Joe Biden seemed to momentarily freeze on stage after delivering a speech at a star-studded fundraiser in Los Angeles on Saturday night. His former boss, Barack Obama, had to guide him away by the arm.

This incident, caught on this video, is the latest in a string of episodes that have raised eyebrows as 81-year-old Biden gears up for another run at the presidency. In the footage, Biden and Obama can be seen waving and smiling to a standing ovation at the Peacock Theater in downtown Los Angeles.

Biden claps and gives the audience a thumbs-up, but then he suddenly stops moving and stares out over the crowd for several long seconds.


If you can’t see the video below, click here.

They then walk off the stage together, with Obama whispering into Biden’s ear and patting him on the back as they leave. Late-night host and comedian Jimmy Kimmel follows them off the stage somewhat sheepishly as loud music plays. The incident occurred while Biden and Obama were sharing the stage at an event that raised more than $30 million for Biden’s reelection campaign.

This comes hot on the heels of other videos showing Biden seemingly freezing or having other awkward moments in recent days. His propensity for public gaffes has come under increasing scrutiny as he seeks another term in office despite his advanced age.

During a recent Juneteenth celebration at the White House, a video of President Biden appearing distracted while others danced around him went viral. The president’s subsequent speech, in which he seemed to slur some words, sparked concerns online.


Critics, including some allies of Donald Trump, focused on the video, raising questions about the 81-year-old’s fitness for office.

However, the White House dismissed the criticism and the video, arguing that the widely shared clip had been edited to exclude other parachutists Biden was approaching, making it appear as if he had simply wandered off.

Just before this moment was captured, Biden had been speaking alongside Kimmel, where he criticized his political opponent Trump and warned against allowing the former president to return to the White House. Biden described the prospect of Trump choosing two more Supreme Court justices as “one of the scariest parts” of the Republican ex-president being re-elected, even making a joke about his hair.

Remember the pandemic? He said just don’t worry just inject a little bleach,” the president said. “It worked for me,” Kimmel responded humorously. Biden retorted, “It worked for [Trump],” and added, “It colored his hair.”

Obama also took a swipe at Trump, asserting that there are certain “standards and values we should stand for.” Despite Obama’s public fundraising efforts and appearances in campaign videos for Biden’s reelection, he reportedly expressed concerns about Trump’s political prowess during a private conversation with Biden last year.

Polls indicate that voters have been particularly concerned about Biden’s age this election season, as he is already the oldest president to have ever served in office.


The two are scheduled to go head-to-head in a much-anticipated first debate in less than a fortnight.

* Original Article: