Putin Threatens US: Russia to Respond if Long-Range Missiles are Deployed in Germany

Russia’s president, Vladimir Putin, has again leveled threats at the United States over its plans to deploy long-range missiles in Western Europe.

Knewz.com has learned that this transpired during an address to Russian, Chinese, Algerian, and Indian sailors in St. Petersburg where he indicated that if the US were to proceed with this plan, Moscow would respond in kind.


“We will take mirror measures to deploy, taking into account the actions of the United States, its satellites in Europe, and other regions of the world,” he noted.

One of the most memorable Cold War-era escalations with a resemblance to the autocrat’s claims transpired in 1983 when the White House deployed Pershing II missiles in Western Europe.

Said projectiles were designed to defend the West against a potential Russian nuclear attack. The missile deployment along with a NATO simulation and a series of other maneuvers was perceived by the then Soviet Union as a build-up to a preemptive strike on Moscow.

In another statement, Putin indicated that Russia would restart the reproduction of intermediate and short-range nuclear-capable missiles and deploy them in Asia and Europe.


In 1962, the world came the closest it had ever been to a nuclear war when a U.S. spy plane detected soviet missile silos being built on the island territory.

The resulting tension de-escalated when Russia agreed to remove them in exchange for America removing its Turkey-based arsenal.

However, on June 6, 2024, it was reported that Russia was sending a military flotilla to Cuba.

While U.S. officials played the incident down as an annual occurrence of no significance, the flotilla’s appearance in the Caribbean came almost directly after President Joe Biden permitted Ukraine to use American weapons on Russian soil and thus drew international attention.


Aside from hosting military assets from countries that are considered America’s enemies, recent satellite imagery shows that Cuba (despite not having a space program) is also home to various electronic information-gathering bases.

These sightings coincide with allegations by the Biden administration that China has been using the island country to spy on the U.S.

* Original Article:

Putin Threatens US: Russia to Respond if Long-Range Missiles are Deployed in Germany