After the Paris 2024 Olympics boxing shame, MAUREEN CALLAHAN rages at trans-dogma trolls and dares to ask: Will a female athlete have to die for this gender lunacy to end?

Will a woman have to die for this lunacy to end?

The 2024 Paris Olympics will forever, and rightly, be marred for allowing a boxer who presents as masculine to fight against a biological woman.

That female boxer, Italy’s Angela Carini, took a brutal blow to her nose before ripping off her helmet and ending the match after just 46 seconds.


‘This is unjust,’ Carini howled.

Yes. That’s the perfect word: unjust.

Women are still fighting for our own basic rights, and that includes not being forced to compete against anyone who isn’t also a biological female.

And so this boxing match — an atrocity, really, a set-up, no ‘match’ of equals about it — was inevitable. Carini could have died.

What she suffered was nothing less, to my mind, than a televised assault.

‘I quit to save my life,’ she said on Thursday. ‘I couldn’t breathe anymore.’


‘I’ve never taken a punch like that,’ Carini said after withdrawing. ‘It’s impossible to continue.’

She refused to say anything further about her opponent’s apparent biological advantages — because that, of course, would be the real crime here.

‘I am not in the position of saying, this is right or wrong’.

Allow me to say it, then: This is wrong. Wrong, wrong, wrong.


JK Rowling: ‘What will it take to end this insanity? A female boxer left with life-altering injuries? A female boxer killed?’

Jake Paul, honorary boxing coach for Team USA: ‘This is sickening. This is a travesty. Doesn’t matter what you believe. This is wrong and dangerous.’


Khelif ‘identifies’ as female – yet was blocked by the IBA from competing against biological women in the world championships last year.

But the IBA was then kicked out of governing its sport by the International Olympic Committee. And the IOC, in turn, cleared Khelif to fight Carini, but will not say how or why – just that Khelif met their ‘criteria’.

‘Federations need to make the rules to make sure that there is fairness,’ IOC spokesman Mark Adams said this week, ‘but at the same time with the ability for everyone to take part who wants to. That’s a difficult balance.’

How’s that for generic, boilerplate BS?


Boxing is a violent, bloody pursuit that has seen athletes killed in the ring. Even the great Muhammad Ali was ultimately felled by Parkinson’s, likely caused by too many blows.


‘That’s more or less what the difference is, in strength and power, between male and female boxers’, he said. ‘You can’t sanction an advantage that can create harm and say, ‘women must accept that’.’

Except that’s exactly what we’re being told, all the time.

Whether it’s prisons, sororities, school bathrooms, shelters, high school and college sports — and, now, the Olympics — the message has come through, loud and clear: Women don’t matter.

After this poor excuse for a fight, Carini’s coach, Emanuele Renzini, said the unsayable.

‘Many people in Italy tried to call and tell her: ‘Don’t go, please. It’s a man. It’s dangerous for you’.’


Take a look at Carini’s competitor, smirking and strutting as if pulling off some hard-won championship.

Raising a fist in victory as an utterly crushed Carini looks down, shoulders slumped, before condescendingly patting her on the back.

Khelif expressed no remorse, no shock, no sadness. No sportsmanship, as it were.


Nope: just an insufferable, unearned pride in taking down a challenger who never had a chance — while invoking God, no less.

‘Difficult for a first fight,’ Khelif said.

Is this person for real?

‘Insh’Allah [if Allah wills it] for the second fight,’ Khelif added. ‘I need an Olympic medal here in Paris’.

I, I, I. Not a thought for Carini, struggling to hold her battered head high while suffering a global, thoroughly unnecessary humiliation.


Just when you think it can’t get worse: Olympic officials now say Khelif is the real victim here, suffering ‘abuse’ and ‘discrimination’.

What an utter disgrace the IOC is. They have failed every single female athlete, every single female coach and fan, every girl currently training to someday make her mark.

Who among the IOC will stand up to this contemptuousness?

Or will another female athlete need to risk her life, and possibly lose it, for sanity to prevail?

* Original Article: