If fewer than 1% of the population are actually trans, why is there such a big push to force this ideology onto children, asks Patrick Christys

The ONS is now facing allegations that it fudged the numbers, inflated the amount of trans people in Britain which empowered the trans lobby who want to teach gender ideology to young children in schools.

So the question that they asked in the 2021 census was this: “Is the gender you identify with the same as your sex registered at birth”. Now, this is actually genuinely quite comical.

Patrick Christys reacts to the ONS census on the transgender population of Britain being incorrect


So people with a foreign first language were four times more likely to say they were trans than those who have English as their main language.

And again quite comically, areas with big, religiously conservative migrant populations such as Brent and Newham in London were found to have higher numbers of trans people than Brighton, an area with a notoriously high LGBT population.

So what they should have asked is this: “Do you identify as trans?”

Anyway, the result of that census was that roughly 0.5 per cent of the population was supposedly transgender. Well, it turns out that the reality is that an even smaller number of the population are actually trans.

Now, Oxford professor Michael Biggs raised the alarm over this. He thinks that the ONS has a close relationship with Stonewall, a trans lobby group with a tremendous amount of power and another trans pressure group pressed for change might have led them to being captured by the trans ideology.


Of course, the year the census was done was 2021, so the ONS is not alone.

Numerous government departments, quangos, etc. have all signed up to Stonewall.

So what this means is that they can enter a thing called the Workplace Equality Index, which basically ranks organisations on how inclusive and diverse they are now. In fact, Stonewall’s experts in LGBTQ plus inclusion have even created a, quote, sophisticated scoring system.

So it’s quite easy, isn’t it, to see how that might make those companies or those government departments or those organisations behave in a way that overtly promotes trans ideology.


Now, this begs the question that if even fewer than 0.5 per cent of the population are actually trans, why is there such a big push to force this ideology onto children?

* Original Article:
