Harris Says She Owns A Glock, But Doing So Could Land Her In Jail In Her Home State

Vice President Kamala Harris said in a Monday interview with 60 Minutes that she owns a Glock pistol, but she advocated and currently advocates for gun control measures that would ban or heavily restrict the very pistol she owns.

Despite Harris’ ownership, she advocated for Proposition H, a total handgun ban in San Francisco in 2005 when she was district attorney for the city, and currently backs bans on “high-capacity” magazines and “assault weapons,” according to her campaign website. Glocks can accept magazines that hold well over 10 rounds.


The magazine capacity on many Glock pistols would not only be banned under her past legislative records and potentially be banned under her current proposals, but would be designated as “unsafe” under California law since Glocks do not have the required loaded chamber indicator and magazine disconnect, according to The Reload.

Under the standards set by the 1994 Assault Weapons Ban, many Glock pistols would be banned for having “high capacity” magazines if it were put into place today. Harris advocates for the reinstatement of the ban in her current campaign, according to Everytown for Gun Safety in July. (RELATED: Kamala Harris Struggles To Speak After Teleprompter Appears To Stop Working)

Harris cited her background in law enforcement as a reason for her owning a Glock, according to the interview. The most commonly issued Glock model for law enforcement is the Glock 22, which holds 15 rounds at standard capacity, according to the manufacturer.


“No Glock handguns have been approved for sale under the UHA,” Mark Oliva, director of public affairs at the National Shooting Sports Foundation, told the Daily Caller News Foundation. “Of course, as a law enforcement officer, she would be exempt from that restriction, which raises questions as to why she believes it is appropriate for her to purchase a handgun for her own self-defense that she designated as prohibited for sale to California citizens.”

It is unclear if she retains her exemption from the UHA as a law enforcement officer.

Despite her past of supporting sweeping gun control measures, Harris has insisted in her 2024 campaign that she is “not taking anyone’s guns away.”

Harris also supported a mandatory gun buyback for “assault weapons” during her campaign for the Democratic presidential nomination in 2019.


“I think if the Supreme Court were to look at something like the 1994 Assault Weapons Ban today and keep in mind, the Supreme Court did not rule on the constitutionality of that ban at the time, and that was just a ban on future sales … I think almost certainly that it would be unconstitutional,” Amy Swearer, senior legal fellow at the Edwin Meese III Center for Legal and Judicial Studies at the Heritage Foundation, told the DCNF.

The Harris campaign did not immediately respond to the DCNF request for comment.

* Original Article:
