After Seeing Walz Fumble With A Shotgun, It Was Probably For The Best He Refused To Deploy To Iraq

Although Tim Walz was a coward for never deploying to Iraq, it was probably for the best that he was never there, nor saw any combat.

If you don’t believe me, watch this video of him struggling to load and clear a Beretta shotgun during his pheasant-hunting PR stunt Saturday in Minnesota. You can tell he’s trying so hard to maintain his composure while fumbling a basic task which anyone who has a modicum of experience with guns could perform handily.


“This is a Beretta A400,” Walz tells a reporter in the video. “I bought it when I was shooting a lot of trap because it has kind of their patented thing of KickOff, so when you get old, it doesn’t hurt your shoulder as much.”

Sure, sure. Whatever you say, Tim.

Two veterans, retired Command Sergeants Major Thomas Behrends and Paul Herr, publicly slammed Walz in a 2018 letter for “betraying his country” by retiring before his unit was set to be deployed to Iraq.


But all for the best. Could you imagine Walz anywhere near a combat zone? Could you imagine him kicking down a door in Fallujah?

After watching this video, Walz is the last guy I would want with me in a foxhole with the enemy bearing down as bullets whiz above us — I would take one of our interns over this bumbling clown. I would even take an androgynous hipster from Brooklyn — anyone but him.

* Original Article: