Democrats at war with nature, God and American citizens


There is a criminal charge called “aiding and abetting.”

It’s about being an accomplice in committing a crime without being the actual perpetrator.

Think of a getaway car driver after a convenience store shooting. Or congressional, state and local Democrats.

Many Americans believe that allowing millions of aliens, including criminals, drug dealers, sex traffickers and possible terrorists, to enter the U.S. illegally is an act of treason.


They have had many accomplices. The Democratic Party as a whole and individual lawmakers have been aiding and abetting what might be described as crimes against America.

Democrats call anyone a racist who opposes the open border. They offer billions in taxpayer aid to illegals. Their supposedly bipartisan immigration bill would have allowed hundreds of thousands more aliens to enter the country illegally each year.

Democrats want millions of freshly minted voters who depend on government largesse. With the electorate evenly divided, they need only a few thousand new voters in the handful of battleground states in coming years to ensure the end of two-party national elections.

Democrats voted unanimously to reject bills requiring voter ID in national elections, and for the U.S. Census Bureau to count only citizens for the purpose of determining congressional districts. States with thousands of illegal aliens thus get more proportional representation than U.S. citizens in other states.

But there’s more.

Across the land, especially since the COVID-19 pandemic, Democrats have purposefully weakened election integrity. They have eliminated voter ID laws, mandated the mailing of millions of unrequested ballots from dirty voter registration lists, instituted unattended ballot drop boxes and ballot harvesting and defeated attempts to clean up registration lists as required by federal law.


It’s not about making it easier for qualified citizens to vote. Georgia, which instituted key election reforms that President Biden called Jim Crow 2.0, has had record minority voter turnout in the last two elections.

Twenty-seven states, all run by Republicans, have improved election integrity since 2021, The Heritage Foundation’s Election Integrity project reports. However, the nation’s two largest states — California and New York — don’t even require identification to vote, much less proof of U.S. citizenship.

This is why Democrats want to abolish the Electoral College. They can run up the popular vote where it won’t be scrutinized and make other states irrelevant. In 2016, Hillary Clinton beat Mr. Trump in California alone by more than 4 million votes and by nearly 2 million votes in New York.

Under Attorney General Merrick Garland, the Justice Department has intervened in state cases on the side of further easing election integrity safeguards.

The administration has also been busy committing lawfare against Mr. Trump and persecuting billionaire entrepreneur Elon Musk, a recent convert to the Trump campaign.


In a recent interview with Tucker Carlson, Mr. Musk said he expected to go to prison if Kamala Harris wins the presidential election. This is not hyperbole.

Ms. Harris has shown a ruthless streak throughout her career, especially when it comes to supporting abortion access. As a U.S. senator, she grilled a Catholic judicial nominee over his membership in the pro-life Knights of Columbus.

She has no problem with the Justice Department arresting peaceful pro-life demonstrators while it ignores hundreds of cases of vandalism and violence against Catholic churches and crisis pregnancy centers.

As California attorney general, she opposed a religious exemption for Catholic nuns called the Little Sisters of the Poor from a rule requiring employers to pay for abortion drugs.

She also co-sponsored a California bill in 2015 requiring pro-life crisis pregnancy centers to refer clients to abortionists, a law struck down by the U.S. Supreme Court in 2018.


She also backs the LGBTQ radical agenda. This includes giving cross-sex hormones, drugs and mutilating surgery to minors; allowing biological males into girls’ and women’s sports and locker rooms; and using taxpayer money for inmates’ sex reassignment surgeries. That policy in California enabled such an operation for a convicted murderer, Skylar Deleon, who tied a couple to an anchor and drowned them in 2004.

Ms. Harris has the full support of the Democratic Party, without whom these evil and insane policies could not be advanced. This election is about much more than the presidential race, as crucial as that is.

Democrats at all levels should be made to answer for aiding and abetting a party at war with nature, God and the liberties of the American people.

• Robert Knight is a columnist for The Washington Times. His website is

*Original Article: