A first-grade teacher wouldn’t let her students use the bathroom as a punishment, leading some to wet themselves and come home smelling like urine, authorities and parents said.
Teacher Ashley Barrera has been placed on leave from Bartlett Elementary School in Conroe, Texas after allegedly taking away students’ restroom privileges for playing outside the classroom, ABC13 reported.
‘They were made fun of. They were crying, begging, pleading, and asking multiple times to go to the restroom, and they were refused.’
Her daughter further shared that many of her peers ‘really, really’ needed to go to the restroom and even ‘asked to go to the bathroom probably like ten times.’
She added to Click2Houston: ‘Some people were crying to death to go to the bathroom.’
‘So initially, we were told two [students], after we as parents got into a group and started talking more, it has come down to be there’s about six who actually soiled themselves and had accidents,’ Johnson told the local outlet.
Ashley Chancey, another parent whose son was also in the classroom, revealed that his desk-mate, a young girl, was one of the students who soiled themselves.
‘He kept trying to tell me that something pretty bad happened at school today. I kept telling him, “please calm down and just talk to me,”‘ she said.
‘He said the class erupted in laughter as kids that are seven do. And the little girl was just absolutely mortified.
Joseph McCauley, another father of one of the students, wondered what would have happened if parents had sent their children to school with soiled clothes.
‘If I sent my child to this school smelling like that, they would call CPS and have me investigated and try to have my child taken away from me,’ he told ABC13.
‘So, how is it OK for my child to go to school clean, prepared, and come home smelling like that?’
Conroe ISD’s Student Code of Conduct says the use of aversive techniques is ‘prohibited for use with students’.
That includes ‘denying adequate sleep, air, food, water, shelter, bedding, physical comfort, supervision, or access to a restroom facility’.
Bartlett Elementary School Principal Charita Smith sent an email to parents addressing the situation.
‘This afternoon, we were made aware of a situation in a first grade classroom in which restroom privileges were revoked. I have spoken with the parents of both students who, upsettingly, had accidents,’ the note read.
‘This incident is not indicative of the safe and loving environment we foster at Bartlett Elementary. I thank you for your support and continued partnership.’
(*) www.WhitePrideHomeSchool.com
* Original Article: